Hayden's checking out what the Easter Bunny left for him!
He's quite amused by the card
My two handsome boys after church
Hayden was excited to see Uncle Eric again and to meet his girlfriend, Kelsey!
Hunting for eggs at Gramma and Grampa's house
It's taken me all week, but here are some pictures from Easter weekend. Eric and his girlfriend, Kelsey, came in town for the weekend. Hayden hadn't seen Eric since Christmas, and he was all smiles once he saw him. On Saturday night, we had dinner together at my parents' house and watched Hayden hunt for his Easter eggs. Actually, "hunt" might not be the word. Hayden would see one, crawl to it, and try to eat it until we showed him another. It was still a lot of fun. Before church on Sunday morning, we got Hayden up to see what the Easter Bunny had left for him. In his basket, he found a book, a Baby Einstein DVD, and a dancing chick that plays "Chicken Dance." His favorite is the dancing chick, which he follows around, giggling like crazy!